Friday, December 21, 2007

Muscle Up Max and Cindy

Possibly my last crossfit before the end of the year, so I decided to, and suckered Chriss, into a muscle up max before class. The end of the year goal was 10 but I fell an arm-lock shy of it! Worked through 9 but on the 10th, I couldn't straighten the arms to say it was a complete muscle up. We may be in on the 31st for the absolute last workout of the year, in which I may try a chin up max. If not we'll go for 10 again.

Cindy- 18.33 PR

Friday, December 14, 2007

Muscle Up workout

20 box jumps
10 kettle bell high pulls- 70lbs
5 muscle ups

5 rounds for time.

Final time was about 21 minutes. Flew through the first 3 rounds with non-stop muscle ups. Come round 4, I lost my false (sp?) grip and was pumping out 2 and then 1 at a time. Noticing a trend with myself. Once fatigue sets in, I loose my technique. With muscle ups, once you loose that false grip and the rings start flaring out you're screwed. Gotta remember the speed and power toward the end of workouts and overcome the lazy technique fatigue factor . The LTFF if you're nasty.

BTW- I think Chriss, Vinnie and I lucked out on this one. The normal workout looked nutz!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Proficient Cindy

3 Rounds - 30 seconds each:
Jumping Jacks
Wall Ball
Shuffle Splits
CrossFit Kettlebell Swings

"Proficient Cindy"
10 Chinups
10 Pro Pushups
10 Front Squats - 105lbs
10 Squat Jumps

Final Output: 6 rounds in 22:16

A loaded Cindy. First few rounds felt great but gassed hard toward the end. I attribute most of it to not running and bad diet. Looking forward to start my tri training again. I'd like to start it asap but with the holidays and a busy work schedule, consistency just won't happen. Come new years, swim/bike/run and Zone! Start sending me your zone recipes!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


21 barbell thrusters
21 chin ups
15 barbell thrusters
15 chin ups
9 barbell thrusters
9 chin ups

95lbs thrusters
Final time: 7:20ish

First of all, i don't know who started naming these workouts after people but if I ever meet Fran, we are gonna have some words. Anticipation of this workout reminded me of wrestling season. Everybody was a bit edgy, sizing up weights and calculating the number of steps between the barbell and the chin up bar. A heavier warm up but not too heavy, so you can save it all for Fran. Final set up of the squat barrier, you step in the middle of the mat...

"Joel, you ready to wrestle?"
"Fran, you ready to wrestle?"
"Shake hands..."

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday WOD

Warm Up - Reverse Tabata L-sits
First Circuit:
8 minutes AMRAP
3 Turkish Get Ups Left
3 Turkish Get Ups Right
12 Push Ups
18 Situps

Second Circuit:
20 minutes AMRAP
10 chins
15 Push Presses - 95lbs barbell
20 Kettle Bell Swings - 55lbs kb
30 squats

Final Output- I think I got 3 solid rounds of the first circuit and then 4 1/4 rounds of the second circuit. Second circuit was tough. I was okay with the weights, i just felt my heart pounding out of my chest. After telling Karen about the fatigue, she reminded me that I had 4 beers and several glasses of wine last night. That would explain the gas tank running a little low at the end. Not a normal intake of drinks but it happens during business happy hours and dinners. Damn National Eating and Drinking season!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monday WOD

We're back and right into it!

JJ x :30
Sq thrust x :30
3 rounds
Score total Sq thrust
SS x :30
Lateral barrier jump x :30
3 rounds
Score total barrier jumps
Dumbbell snatch left x :30
Dumbbell snatch right x :30
Full Squat jumps x :30
Pushups x :30
3 rounds
Score total reps
AMRAP in 15 minutes
8 Chins
10 Overhead squats
12 Box Jumps
Pro 55W - 75M
Pack 45W - 65M
Porch 35W - 55M
Tabata Situps

Tough day back considering I had not lifted more than 12 ounces at a time over the past week and the only number of rounds I counted was trips back to the Pecan Pie. Tough time with the 75lbs OH squats. Couldn't finish out the workout with it. I had to drop down to 65lbs. Once fatigue starts to creep in I loose form and my weight shifts to my toes. Im not sure if that's leg fatigue or core strength that causes that but I wanna keep my eye on it.

Final output:

Total Rounds-5 Pack/Pro
Tabata Situps-15
Number of Squat Thrusts-36

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Warrior Care

Part One
Partner up
You go, partner goes
Max Chins in 6 minutes, goal is 100
Max Pushups in 6 Minutes, goal is 150
Max Situps in 4 minutes, goal is 200
Part Two:
5 rounds for time
40 Squats
20 Kettlebell Swings

Another farewell workout to an Old Town Original. Another fitness freak will be leaving us to persue his own Crossfit Gym. Rick, you'll be missed! Good luck my friend!

This one has got the legs sore today! Partnered up with Elizabeth for part one. We hit all goals! I think we did like 109 pull ups, 170 something pushups and 219 situps. Elizabeth carried us through most of it, where i was just trying to keep up!

Part two roughed me up. I noticed before we started the big bell wasn't out. For some strange and unknown reason, I asked for it. I never said I was very bright. The 70lb kettlebell is like the high school bully that keeps taking my lunch money. The Buddy Revell of Crossfit, if you will. Unfortunately, i haven't reached the part of the movie where I conquer the bully, so i am still the nerd trying to be cool. I do the first 3 rounds with the Buddy Revell Bell and finish off with two sets of box jumps. Quads are sore. Great work out before a few days of gluttony.

This will be an interesting test. Weight monday morning 164lbs. Let's see what it looks like Monday morning after Thanksgiving. Happy Turkey Day. Gobble gobble.

Friday, November 16, 2007

400 repeats/Triple Mash and "The Ray"

Friday's Farewell Workout - THE RAY

Cash In- 15 barbell thrusters
6 Rounds of:
5 power cleans
5 muscle ups
5 pistols each leg
Cash Out - 15 barbell thrusters

Ridic. Took a stab at 95lbs barbells. Cashed in okay, but couldn't handle the power cleans and scaled down to 75 lbs. Powered through the first 2 rounds but couldn't keep up with the muscle ups and had to scale to 10 chins and 15 pro push ups. Great one! This is an instant classic and named after a great partner. Ray was a true inspiration in the workout room. His enthusiasm and drive are unparalleled. I learned a lot from being in the same room as him. We'll miss you!

Wednesday WOD:

Stick Work:
Line of Pull Snatch
Overhead Squats
A Triple Mashed Up Double Tabata
Overhead Squat x 40sec
rest 20sec
Box Jump x 40sec
rest 20sec
Kettlebell Swings x 40sec
rest 20sec
Repeat for 4 rounds
Score the lowest amount of reps in each individual movement

"Gas Tank"
Run .25 miles for time every 3 minutes x 4 rounds
Score each interval
Track your fastest time

Least # boxjumps 14
Least # KB swings 12 70lbs
Least # OH squats 11 45lbs
Total Least Reps 37
Fastest 400 1:10:00

400s at the end were a killer! Held back a little extra on the first round, but lost all acceleration for the final 3 rounds so couldn't beat 1:10. Great way to increase speed! Love'm!

Monday, November 12, 2007


5 Chins
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

As many rounds as you can do in 20 minutes.

This morning I was able to muster 17 2/3 rounds. I was on pace at 10 minutes to do 20 in 20, but at 15 minutes I was at 14 rounds, and the last 5 minutes, push ups killed me. I couldn't do 2 push ups in a row at that point. Beat my old Cindy PR of 16 2/3 so happy about that.

Warm up with some over head cleans and over head squat work. Looking forward to doing some loaded OH work. I haven't done any before so it should be interesting. Looking at the Athletic Skill Levels it looks like OH Squats are counted as core strength. That could be a fun new goal, OH Squat 1 x Body Weight. Good Lord, it also has Chelsea as an Advanced level skill! Think Cindy although 30 rounds for 30 minutes!

Friday, November 9, 2007

National Eating Season Notes and WOD

Just a coupla notes before getting into the WOD. I'm gonna leave out the meals during this time Jerry has dubbed National Eating Season because it's gonna be bad and I want to enjoy it a little bit instead of feeling guilty about it. So I have decided to leave it out, until I start tri training after the new year. Sorry Jerry, but it has to be done. I won't be too terrible but I will keep in mind portion control and be conscious of it. I am still shooting for 40 chins by the end of the year so I can't put on any extra lbs, otherwise it won't happen. I guess a little motivation there.

Also starting to think about how to solve the cramping issue and increase my speed. I think i have been shooting for goals too big. ie- sub 48 10ks, sub 80 10 milers. I think i need to start with a sub 7 mile, 14 minute 2 miles or 21 minute 5ks. After that point move onto the 10ks and 10 milers. The way, I think, I am going to approach this (very influenced by the weight vest psycho's in class) is by building my run base with a weight vest. After my ankle heals (post marathon injury), I will start my building back my running base with a 20lb weight vest. I'll start from the ground up, 2-3 mile easy runs for a coupla weeks and then move slowly move into longer distances. And then start the interval training. Just some thoughts for now.

Okay onto the WOD.

Warm Up: Ring Dips and Overhead Squats
Felt good. Can feel the dip fatigue toward the end. I think that's where i'll die when trying to do my 10 muscle ups. Thinking about finishing up work outs with some amount of chins and dips.
Main: Tabata Push ups, Tabata overhead lunges, Tabata Sell Out rack squats and Tug of War
Tabata Push ups - 6
Tabata OH Lunges - 6
Tabata SO Rack Squats - 80
Tug of War 1-3

Push ups, started the first 4 rounds at 10 and then 9, 8, 7, 6
OH lunges with 35lbs. Right side felt solid, could go all day on that side. Left side, not so much. Im thinking it's my left shoulder flexibility or lack there of due to shoulder surgery in the 90s.
Rack Squats hurt, but i think thats my key to working the bigs wieghts on the thrusters.
TOW- fun. tough first pull. on one of the last pulls I curled my big toe on the mat and hyperextended it. It's a little tender now, but I don't think its too bad.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Frantic Version 2.0

95lbs Thrusters
Interval One:
500 meter Row - 1:37
15 Thrusters
15 Chinups
Time - 5:23
Interval two:
500 - 12 -12
Time - 5:17
Interval three:
500 - 9 - 9
Time - 4:52
Interval four:
500 - 6 - 6
Time - 3:28

930 - Bacon/Egg/Cheese Sandwhich - Grande Americano
1230 - Meetball Sub
730 - Onion/Chard/Turkey Sausage/Cheese Omlet and OJ
Prolly about 64oz of Water throughout the day

Bad week for nutrition but i'll start to get better.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Monday - 11/5 - X-fit WOD

Max efforts

Chins - 27
Previous max of 31. Must have put on a few lbs on vacation.

Squats - 110
That hurt. Practically collapsed after that one.

Kettlebell Swings 70lbs - 28
Pretty happy with that after almost puking after squats

Push Ups - 42
L-sit - 35 seconds
Situps - 84
Thursters 30lbs - 15

Overall, that hurt. Hadn't felt that bad after a workout since my first day. I guess that's what vacations do to you.

845 - 16 ounce glass of chocolate milk
915 - grande americano
1300 - cuban sandwhich +2 choco chip cookies + 16oz h20
1730 - 2 choco chip cookies
dinner - chinese left overs +3 glasses of wine. yikes, but oh well.

stark difference from my training meals but hell with it for now. enjoy it a little bit before getting back into it.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

2007 and 2008 Goals

After a fairly busy race schedule, 2 Olympic Tri's, 199-mile Relay, 2 Ten Milers and a marathon, the rest of the year is dedicated to Crossfit. The goal- 40/10.

Finish first Ironman
Finish in the top 20% of a triathlon
Solve the cramping problem
Sub 50 minute Murph (20lb vest)
Sub 49 minute 10k
Sub 80 minute 10 mile


Welcome to my fitness blog. I am going to track all things fitness here. Everything from my daily workouts to how many bottles of wine I put down on a given night. I am 33 years old and in the last several years have done 2 marathons, 2 199-mile Running Relays, 4 half Ironmans, dozens of Olys, Sprints, 10 milers and 10k's. Oh yeah... 2 Fight Gone Bad's, a Cindy, a Murph and a Fran. I haven't been very good about tracking my swim/run/bike workouts and haven't seen too much improvement over the last few years. I started Crossfit last June, where all workouts are tracked and progressed, and I have almost tripled my work capacity! So at the suggestion of Jerry Hill, our venerable Crossfit instructor, I am going to track my fitness progress.

The goal? Maintain a healthy lifestyle, keep a high competitive energy and have fun. Nothing like a blog to keep you honest!

Game on!