Friday, November 9, 2007

National Eating Season Notes and WOD

Just a coupla notes before getting into the WOD. I'm gonna leave out the meals during this time Jerry has dubbed National Eating Season because it's gonna be bad and I want to enjoy it a little bit instead of feeling guilty about it. So I have decided to leave it out, until I start tri training after the new year. Sorry Jerry, but it has to be done. I won't be too terrible but I will keep in mind portion control and be conscious of it. I am still shooting for 40 chins by the end of the year so I can't put on any extra lbs, otherwise it won't happen. I guess a little motivation there.

Also starting to think about how to solve the cramping issue and increase my speed. I think i have been shooting for goals too big. ie- sub 48 10ks, sub 80 10 milers. I think i need to start with a sub 7 mile, 14 minute 2 miles or 21 minute 5ks. After that point move onto the 10ks and 10 milers. The way, I think, I am going to approach this (very influenced by the weight vest psycho's in class) is by building my run base with a weight vest. After my ankle heals (post marathon injury), I will start my building back my running base with a 20lb weight vest. I'll start from the ground up, 2-3 mile easy runs for a coupla weeks and then move slowly move into longer distances. And then start the interval training. Just some thoughts for now.

Okay onto the WOD.

Warm Up: Ring Dips and Overhead Squats
Felt good. Can feel the dip fatigue toward the end. I think that's where i'll die when trying to do my 10 muscle ups. Thinking about finishing up work outs with some amount of chins and dips.
Main: Tabata Push ups, Tabata overhead lunges, Tabata Sell Out rack squats and Tug of War
Tabata Push ups - 6
Tabata OH Lunges - 6
Tabata SO Rack Squats - 80
Tug of War 1-3

Push ups, started the first 4 rounds at 10 and then 9, 8, 7, 6
OH lunges with 35lbs. Right side felt solid, could go all day on that side. Left side, not so much. Im thinking it's my left shoulder flexibility or lack there of due to shoulder surgery in the 90s.
Rack Squats hurt, but i think thats my key to working the bigs wieghts on the thrusters.
TOW- fun. tough first pull. on one of the last pulls I curled my big toe on the mat and hyperextended it. It's a little tender now, but I don't think its too bad.

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