Monday, November 12, 2007


5 Chins
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

As many rounds as you can do in 20 minutes.

This morning I was able to muster 17 2/3 rounds. I was on pace at 10 minutes to do 20 in 20, but at 15 minutes I was at 14 rounds, and the last 5 minutes, push ups killed me. I couldn't do 2 push ups in a row at that point. Beat my old Cindy PR of 16 2/3 so happy about that.

Warm up with some over head cleans and over head squat work. Looking forward to doing some loaded OH work. I haven't done any before so it should be interesting. Looking at the Athletic Skill Levels it looks like OH Squats are counted as core strength. That could be a fun new goal, OH Squat 1 x Body Weight. Good Lord, it also has Chelsea as an Advanced level skill! Think Cindy although 30 rounds for 30 minutes!

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