Friday, November 16, 2007

400 repeats/Triple Mash and "The Ray"

Friday's Farewell Workout - THE RAY

Cash In- 15 barbell thrusters
6 Rounds of:
5 power cleans
5 muscle ups
5 pistols each leg
Cash Out - 15 barbell thrusters

Ridic. Took a stab at 95lbs barbells. Cashed in okay, but couldn't handle the power cleans and scaled down to 75 lbs. Powered through the first 2 rounds but couldn't keep up with the muscle ups and had to scale to 10 chins and 15 pro push ups. Great one! This is an instant classic and named after a great partner. Ray was a true inspiration in the workout room. His enthusiasm and drive are unparalleled. I learned a lot from being in the same room as him. We'll miss you!

Wednesday WOD:

Stick Work:
Line of Pull Snatch
Overhead Squats
A Triple Mashed Up Double Tabata
Overhead Squat x 40sec
rest 20sec
Box Jump x 40sec
rest 20sec
Kettlebell Swings x 40sec
rest 20sec
Repeat for 4 rounds
Score the lowest amount of reps in each individual movement

"Gas Tank"
Run .25 miles for time every 3 minutes x 4 rounds
Score each interval
Track your fastest time

Least # boxjumps 14
Least # KB swings 12 70lbs
Least # OH squats 11 45lbs
Total Least Reps 37
Fastest 400 1:10:00

400s at the end were a killer! Held back a little extra on the first round, but lost all acceleration for the final 3 rounds so couldn't beat 1:10. Great way to increase speed! Love'm!

1 comment:

Jerry Hill said...

It was good to see you go for the 95lbs!

We still need to dial in on your speed and power with that lift.

MU's are a killer after all the other work.