Monday, December 10, 2007

Proficient Cindy

3 Rounds - 30 seconds each:
Jumping Jacks
Wall Ball
Shuffle Splits
CrossFit Kettlebell Swings

"Proficient Cindy"
10 Chinups
10 Pro Pushups
10 Front Squats - 105lbs
10 Squat Jumps

Final Output: 6 rounds in 22:16

A loaded Cindy. First few rounds felt great but gassed hard toward the end. I attribute most of it to not running and bad diet. Looking forward to start my tri training again. I'd like to start it asap but with the holidays and a busy work schedule, consistency just won't happen. Come new years, swim/bike/run and Zone! Start sending me your zone recipes!


Jerry Hill said...

Inspiring front squats Joel!

joelio said...

Thanks Jerry! I'm working on them!