Monday, November 5, 2007

Monday - 11/5 - X-fit WOD

Max efforts

Chins - 27
Previous max of 31. Must have put on a few lbs on vacation.

Squats - 110
That hurt. Practically collapsed after that one.

Kettlebell Swings 70lbs - 28
Pretty happy with that after almost puking after squats

Push Ups - 42
L-sit - 35 seconds
Situps - 84
Thursters 30lbs - 15

Overall, that hurt. Hadn't felt that bad after a workout since my first day. I guess that's what vacations do to you.

845 - 16 ounce glass of chocolate milk
915 - grande americano
1300 - cuban sandwhich +2 choco chip cookies + 16oz h20
1730 - 2 choco chip cookies
dinner - chinese left overs +3 glasses of wine. yikes, but oh well.

stark difference from my training meals but hell with it for now. enjoy it a little bit before getting back into it.


Jerry Hill said...


40 chins is going to be a battle...I'll give ya a few days and then it's time to clean up that nutrition and forge on!

joelio said...

fair enough. that nutrition sure does make a difference! i'll get on the horse!