Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday WOD

Warm Up - Reverse Tabata L-sits
First Circuit:
8 minutes AMRAP
3 Turkish Get Ups Left
3 Turkish Get Ups Right
12 Push Ups
18 Situps

Second Circuit:
20 minutes AMRAP
10 chins
15 Push Presses - 95lbs barbell
20 Kettle Bell Swings - 55lbs kb
30 squats

Final Output- I think I got 3 solid rounds of the first circuit and then 4 1/4 rounds of the second circuit. Second circuit was tough. I was okay with the weights, i just felt my heart pounding out of my chest. After telling Karen about the fatigue, she reminded me that I had 4 beers and several glasses of wine last night. That would explain the gas tank running a little low at the end. Not a normal intake of drinks but it happens during business happy hours and dinners. Damn National Eating and Drinking season!


Jerry Hill said...

You looked rock solid on those PP today Joel!

joelio said...

Thanks! They felt good! I'm starting to feel better with the bigger weights!