Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monday WOD

We're back and right into it!

JJ x :30
Sq thrust x :30
3 rounds
Score total Sq thrust
SS x :30
Lateral barrier jump x :30
3 rounds
Score total barrier jumps
Dumbbell snatch left x :30
Dumbbell snatch right x :30
Full Squat jumps x :30
Pushups x :30
3 rounds
Score total reps
AMRAP in 15 minutes
8 Chins
10 Overhead squats
12 Box Jumps
Pro 55W - 75M
Pack 45W - 65M
Porch 35W - 55M
Tabata Situps

Tough day back considering I had not lifted more than 12 ounces at a time over the past week and the only number of rounds I counted was trips back to the Pecan Pie. Tough time with the 75lbs OH squats. Couldn't finish out the workout with it. I had to drop down to 65lbs. Once fatigue starts to creep in I loose form and my weight shifts to my toes. Im not sure if that's leg fatigue or core strength that causes that but I wanna keep my eye on it.

Final output:

Total Rounds-5 Pack/Pro
Tabata Situps-15
Number of Squat Thrusts-36

1 comment:

Jerry Hill said...

I think it's a bit of everything but also that you are still very new to OH squats!