Monday, January 7, 2008

Sandbags, Muscle Ups and the Zone

Started the Zone this week. Dabbled in it before, but now time to "dial it in"! I consulted a nutritionist a coupla years ago before doing the St. Croix half ironman to help out with cramping problems and a tough course. I knew nutrition would be a big part of this race so I wanted to consult a professional. The nutritionist was nice enough and had some good advice but didn't really give me good insight into why we avoided some foods and focused on others. It was more of a "do A, B and C, and you should be good". I have seen a lot of the x-fitters start and continue with the Zone so I decided to do some research on it and read a good bit about it and I buy what I am reading. Now to put it into practice and see how it helps. My first assessment that it utilizes portion control and balance to create a hormonal response and achieve a positive mental and physical energy. Anyway, at the end of the day I will track and comment. Okay, on to the workout:

Muscle Up WOD:
[80lb Sandbag Shoulder + 2 sandbag squats] x 6
Muscle-ups x 6
*5 rounds for time*

Total time: 22:35

That sandbag is heavy and awkward. Different change of pace. It hurt but I liked it. Muscle ups felt pretty good. First round cranked out 6. The second round did 5 and then 1. The final 3 rounds were 3s, 2s and a coupla singles to finish up. I like the muscle up tip. Elbows in and pull to the sternum. Pull high at the chest leaves little room for error if you don't have enough speed. I'll work on the the pull to transition from the sturnum.


900am - 1 hard boiled egg, a string cheese, 12 almonds and 16 oz of chocolate milk. 4 blocks
1100am - medium 1% latte, 6 almonds. 2 blocks
1230 - turkey and cheese sandwhich on 1/2 slice of bread, 12 almonds and an apple. 4 blocks
500 - 2 slices of cheese and 6 almonds. 2 blocks
730 - Zone Cheeseburger and a macadamia nut. 4 blocks

Need to be better about incorporating "favorable" carbs vs. the unfavorable, however if I keep them w/in the alloted blocks, it will be a good way figure out portion sizes of the unfavorables when traveling.


Jerry Hill said...

Inspiring work today Joel!

Love that you're's going to be a great month for you!

joelio said...

thanks! I like the zone. I'm like the typical american that doesn't eat breakfast and loads up at meal times. So it'll be a little bit of an adjustment but I see how it can translate into a great lifestyle adjustment!

I think we need a "Zone" message board for our zoning community. A place outside the blog where we can post questions and comments. Thoughts?

Jerry Hill said...

"I think we need a "Zone" message board for our zoning community. A place outside the blog where we can post questions and comments. Thoughts?"

I agree 100%...

I'm open to suggestions on how to do this. Would one of the social networks be a good place?

joelio said...

I can look into a free message board hosting site. Facebook could be a good place, but the problem is that not everybody gets logins. A free hosting site would enable anybody to view the site and post.

Jerry Hill said...

"A free hosting site"

The problem with that is the hooligans outside our team that will crash the party...

A member approved forum or community would better serve our purpose.