Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year

First work out of 2008!

3 rounds of
50 seconds of Medicine Ball Squat Cleans
50 seconds of Cals

Short Circuit:
AMRAP in 3 minutes
Medicine ball squat clean thruster and Slam!

2 rounds
Max Chinups
Round 1: 25
Round 2: 15

2 rounds
Max Pushups
Round 1: 45
Round 2: 15

Strength, Power, Skill:
5 rounds
Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 10 reps
I finished at 95lbs

Thank you Adrienne for the cut and paste. The end of year goal x-fit goal was 10 muscle ups and 40 chins. I finished with 9.88 muscle ups and a well under 40 chins for the year. Today I hit a very meager 25 chins. I lost my grip in the early 20s but wasn't feeling anywhere near 40. One thing to note, is that im not sure where to keep my calluses, pinched under the bar or stay more on the finger tips. Today, I pinched the calluses under the bar and the grip didn't feel good. Maybe it's the few extra pounds i put on over the holidays but i think i'll mess around with it to find something more comfortable. I definitely need to get my groove back on the chins. Some pour chinup numbers the last coupla maxes. Let' reset the chins goal to a PR by feb.

I need to get out my race and workout schedule. Tri training will start and need to figure out my routine so I can start crushing some old results!

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