Wednesday, December 5, 2007


21 barbell thrusters
21 chin ups
15 barbell thrusters
15 chin ups
9 barbell thrusters
9 chin ups

95lbs thrusters
Final time: 7:20ish

First of all, i don't know who started naming these workouts after people but if I ever meet Fran, we are gonna have some words. Anticipation of this workout reminded me of wrestling season. Everybody was a bit edgy, sizing up weights and calculating the number of steps between the barbell and the chin up bar. A heavier warm up but not too heavy, so you can save it all for Fran. Final set up of the squat barrier, you step in the middle of the mat...

"Joel, you ready to wrestle?"
"Fran, you ready to wrestle?"
"Shake hands..."


Jerry Hill said...

great analysis...the tension was high...the bar and barbell a fearsome were definitely prepared for the task!

Congrats on the huge progress and PR!

Adrienne said...

love the comparison!

joelio said...

It makes me nostalgic! I'm ready strap the wrestling shoes on and go a few periods! Man I wish Crossfit existed back in the day! I can see a coupla close ones that could have tipped into my favor if I had been working out like this!!!

Cara said...

Watched the video Jerry just posted - wanted to let you know that your squats look amazing!