Friday, December 21, 2007

Muscle Up Max and Cindy

Possibly my last crossfit before the end of the year, so I decided to, and suckered Chriss, into a muscle up max before class. The end of the year goal was 10 but I fell an arm-lock shy of it! Worked through 9 but on the 10th, I couldn't straighten the arms to say it was a complete muscle up. We may be in on the 31st for the absolute last workout of the year, in which I may try a chin up max. If not we'll go for 10 again.

Cindy- 18.33 PR

Friday, December 14, 2007

Muscle Up workout

20 box jumps
10 kettle bell high pulls- 70lbs
5 muscle ups

5 rounds for time.

Final time was about 21 minutes. Flew through the first 3 rounds with non-stop muscle ups. Come round 4, I lost my false (sp?) grip and was pumping out 2 and then 1 at a time. Noticing a trend with myself. Once fatigue sets in, I loose my technique. With muscle ups, once you loose that false grip and the rings start flaring out you're screwed. Gotta remember the speed and power toward the end of workouts and overcome the lazy technique fatigue factor . The LTFF if you're nasty.

BTW- I think Chriss, Vinnie and I lucked out on this one. The normal workout looked nutz!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Proficient Cindy

3 Rounds - 30 seconds each:
Jumping Jacks
Wall Ball
Shuffle Splits
CrossFit Kettlebell Swings

"Proficient Cindy"
10 Chinups
10 Pro Pushups
10 Front Squats - 105lbs
10 Squat Jumps

Final Output: 6 rounds in 22:16

A loaded Cindy. First few rounds felt great but gassed hard toward the end. I attribute most of it to not running and bad diet. Looking forward to start my tri training again. I'd like to start it asap but with the holidays and a busy work schedule, consistency just won't happen. Come new years, swim/bike/run and Zone! Start sending me your zone recipes!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


21 barbell thrusters
21 chin ups
15 barbell thrusters
15 chin ups
9 barbell thrusters
9 chin ups

95lbs thrusters
Final time: 7:20ish

First of all, i don't know who started naming these workouts after people but if I ever meet Fran, we are gonna have some words. Anticipation of this workout reminded me of wrestling season. Everybody was a bit edgy, sizing up weights and calculating the number of steps between the barbell and the chin up bar. A heavier warm up but not too heavy, so you can save it all for Fran. Final set up of the squat barrier, you step in the middle of the mat...

"Joel, you ready to wrestle?"
"Fran, you ready to wrestle?"
"Shake hands..."