Thursday, March 13, 2014

14.1 and 14.2

Okay, so trial number 2 of 14.1 went pretty much as expected.  I was able to get more a little time to get into the snatches of the 7th round.  Unfortunately not enough gas in my tank to complete them but I am satisfied with 304.

14.2 - 3 mins to do 2 rounds of 10 OHS and 10 C2B.  If successful, 3 mins to do 12 OHS/12 C2B, etc...

I did this Friday evening after a Thursday night of beer tasting and late night dinner.  Not exactly a recipe for success but it is what it is.  123 reps.  7 OHS into the 2nd round of 14s.  Smoker.  I went after it and by the time I got to into the 14 pull ups in the first round there was nothing left to be able to string them together.  Appeared we needed a different strategy.  The strategy was to conserve as much energy and strength possible to be able to get through the 14s.  Mission failed.  Tried again Monday morning.  Round of 10 was slow and conservative.  Round of 12 tried to be slow and conservative, but again after the first set of 14 OHS, I didn't feel like I had enough to string together consecutive C2Bs so I went for singles.  I finished them with about a minute to go.  I tried to string together as many OHS as possible.  Got to 8.  Had to drop.  Picked up and did 2.  Dropped.  Picked it up and finished the last 2 to finish at 130 reps.  I probably should have tried to do some amount of consecutive C2Bs in the first round to get myself to the last round of C2Bs, but oh well.

So a 600 place finish in 14.1 and a 798 finish in 14.2 leaves me at an overall place of 547.  Interesting math, but it is what it is.  Still leaves me in possible contention for top 200 but I'll have to pull out something special for these last 3 workouts.  I am thinking the 798 finish will be my worst as we don't do a lot of pull ups and certainly not C2Bs.  Hopefully these last 3 workouts will give me something to put up something big.  If not, I suspect I'll stay at a respectable top 5-6% but certainly not at the top 1-2% they are looking for to make it to the qualifying rounds.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

14.1 - 30 Double Unders 15 Snatches at 75lbs - 10 minute AMRAP

Same as 11.1 where I did 297 reps.  So 3 years later, I did 298 reps.  The difference was that broke the double-unders 1 rep later.  Maybe I over paced it by breaking up the snatches 6-5-4 from the beginning.  I'll do it again on Monday.  This time I'll redline it from the beginning and see how it goes.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

And 5 years later...

Dug this up during a rabbit hole of looking at some crossfit videos.  Crazy to look at the workouts and results.  Still crossfit'ing, not racing and definitely not 35 years old any more.  This year I turn 40 and will actually give the games a try.  I am probably about 75% of where I wanted my fitness to be at this point, but with two 5 year old kids, two puppies and sort of a new job, I can't complain too much. 

This is my attempt to journal my run at the Crossfit Games 2014, Masters style.  Just to kick things off, a quick recap of what I wanted to do to get ready for my assault on the Crossfit Open 2014 followed by what I actually did to get ready:

What I wanted to do:

Summer of 2013:  Get strong.  Lift heavy, put on weight and increase my max lifts
Fall of 2013:  Get my metcon in check.  Run/Bike to work.  Get in some longer runs.  Generally work on metcons.
Winter 2013/2014:  Amp up the work outs.  Zone and cut out the drinking.

What I ended up doing:

Summer 2013: Crossfit Wods 3-5 x Week.
Fall of 2013: Crossfit Wods 3-5 x Week.
Winter 2013/2014: Crossfit Wods 3-5 x Week.  Amped it up a little bit.  In February zoned a little bit and went a few days in a row without drinking.

Best laid plans...  That being said, I feel pretty damned good.  My goal is to make the top 200 so I can get into the next set of workouts.  If that happens, I'll go real hard at the qualifying workouts but I have no visions of getting into the top 20.  I really think getting into the top 200 will be a stretch but I will go for it.  I am healthy, fairly fit and just about 40.

Let's see how it goes.  That being said, I am about to close up shop to go to happy hour and my buddy Paul's 40th birthday dinner.  Not starting off well, but this isn't any different to how I have been training!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

And a year later...

Wow, it looks like a year since my last post. You can check out to see what I've been up to during that time. So keep checking up on the Angeles family there but this will be my training log for 2009.

Workout: 7pm - 1 hour on the bike trainer
Breakfast: egg, cheese and canadian bacon burrito with some macadamias - 3 carbs, 4 protein, 4 fat
Lunch: 3 steak soft tacos - roughly 5 blocks of carbs, protein and fat
Snack: string cheese, grapes. 1 protein, 1 carb
Dinner: Machacha Steak and Cheese Wrap, Macadamias and a beer. 4 blocks of carbs, protein and fat.

Tomorrow: Hope to get a swim at lunch and 5pm xfit. Let's see how it goes...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Week of January 21-January 25

Monday- MLK Day Group Workout
Meet the Spartans
25 Chins
50 Pushups
75 Push Press
100 Squats
75 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls
50 Pushups
25 Chins
Total Time: 24:53
Epic! My first 300 workout. Felt great! Zone starting to pay off! Dropped a good 5lbs and feel great! Keeping with 4 block meals and 2 block snacks, but find my self moving some blocks into meal times and doing some 1 block snacks. Still playing with it, but getting more efficient with eyeballing. Doing favorable carbs during the day but sneaking in some unfavorables at night. The thought is if I keep it within the acceptable portions, at the end of the day the body breaks down the favs and unfavs the same, so why not keep yourself a little sane with some tasty carbs:-)

Tuesday- Swim
Jack and I did prolly 1200 meters. 200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull, 200 swim warm up. Some amount of drills, finger tip drags, # of strokes, etc... Still working on building the base.

Wednesday - 30 muscle ups for time
Decided to go for a max. I hit 10! I was very very very very close to 11. Again, just missed at the top of the lock out. Looking forward to Chriss' muscle workout next wednesday.

Thursday - 5k run with 6lbs in the weight vest. Still a little frigid but good to get the legs moving again.

Friday - Handstand work Great skill day. Never worked the set up and balance. Thanks Andrea for some great tips and cues!

Saturday/Sunday - LAZY. Did a whole lot of nothing workout related and drank too much wine on Saturday night but im back on for next week!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Workouts of the Week

Thursday- Morning swim. Needed a day off from crossfit. The body is sore!
wu: 100 swim, 100 kick, 100 swim
main: 1x200, 100 kick, 2x100 drills (25 swim, 25 right hand, 25 left hand, 25 catch up)
cd: 100

A few laps in the pool felt good. Even suckered Jack into a dip in the pool. Body is still pretty sore, especially the abs. I like the thursday morning pool. It'll be a good workout in the mix of the week.

Wednesday- Sydney
5 L-sit Pull Ups
10 plyo push ups
15 pistols
AMRAP in 30 minutes
total- 11 rounds.

L-sit chins just tear up the abs. My abs haven't been this sore ever. wow.

Tuesday- Muscling Fran
9 thursters
6 muscle ups
5 rounds for time
time- 16:25ish

Ouch. First round, 6 straight mu's. Second round, 3, 2 and then 1. Third round, 2, 2, 1.5, 1, 1. then some amount of 2s and 1.5s and 1s. Felt good on the transition but couldn't lock out a few at the top. Definitely feeling stronger though.

Monday- Overhead Squats and a quick circuit
10x OHS max effort. 95lbs
10 rounds or 10 minutes
10 big box jumps
10 jumping slam balls
10 kettlebell high pulls
total- 7 rounds